Photogrammetry - Statues
“Indian Culture has unique gods for each prosperity.I planned to have two gods and two goddess for my scene.So I went to brihadeeshwara temple in tanjore and took photos of Lakshmi , Saraswati ,Sandigeshwarar and Dwarabalagar.Then using RealityCapture scanned the mesh and cleaned up the mesh using Zbrush. ”

“DWARAPALAKAS are the two guardian deities or the gatekeepers of the temple entrances or the Dwaras. The name Dwarapalakas is a combination of two words Dwaram and Palakas. In which Dwaram stands for door or entrance and the Palakas for guardians.They are a common feature of almost all the South Indian Temples and their statues differ from temple to temple based upon the chief deities like Shiva, Sakthi, or Vishnu.”

“LAKSHMI is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, beauty, fertility and prosperity, and associated with Maya ("Illusion"). Along with Parvati and Saraswati, she forms the Tridevi of Hindu goddesses. Within the goddess-oriented Shaktism, Lakshmi is venerated as the prosperity aspect of the Mother goddess.”

“SARASWATI is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, art, speech, wisdom, and learning. She is one of the Tridevi, along with the goddesses Lakshmi and Parvati. The earliest known mention of Saraswati as a goddess is in the Rigveda.She has remained significant as a goddess from the Vedic period through the modern period of Hindu traditions.She is generally shown to have four arms, holding a book, a rosary, a water pot, and a musical instrument called the veena. Each of these items have a symbolic meaning in Hinduism.”

“CHANDIGESHWAR he is considered to be the guardian of the temple belongings, is that devotees clap their hands to show that they are leaving the temple empty-handed. It is also customary to leave even the sacred ash inside the temple itself.”